50 Years Teaching Full Time Celebration….

Wow ….thank you so much to everyone who attended my BIG celebration on Saturday June 1st at DFDS.

The years have just whizzed by since I first commenced teaching full time at Wrightson Dance Studio exactly 50 years ago. I had turned professional and taught part time for 2 years prior so had experienced , enjoyed and liked teaching.

But this is not a trip down memory lane, oh dear,  it would be much more like a 6 lane highway.

Saturday night was wonderful for me to see many of my former puplis, staff and colleagues all enjoying catching up and there were hundreds of ” Remember When ”     and        ” Daele said this and Daele said that ”

Two of my very first puplis attended , Gary and Gavin, and  my mentor and a doyen of the ballroom dancing industry, Mr Robert Wrightson OAM attended along with his wife Josephine  I was thrilled that they could join in my celebration.

The Mayor of the City of Bayswater attended : His Worship Cr Terry Kenyon and Mrs Kenyon . I was very honoured  to have Mayor Kenyon commence the official part of the evening  as I have enjoyed 41 years running my business in that shire and receiving support and sponsorship from their council. Thank You

Barry and Chris ,( both good talkers ) also had very kind and generous words to say about my career ; Although Barry, I cannot remember me “swanning around with my headpiece on “teaching 300 pupils with you and acting like Madonna in Kuala Lumpur…………………..  Never !   Never  !    Actually it was Singapore  xx

Guests seemed to gravitate towards their decades and most certainly the noisiest group was the 80 “s and I loved the renditions of  some of my old mime acts   ” Gather around I’ve got a story to tell ”

Thanks to Debbie on a great job as our MC  : Deb has taught for me for 27 years and is a wonderful worker, supporter and dear friend.

Thanks to Chris who first suggested the party and worked so hard to make it happen  …and to Adam for the fantastic food.

Thanks to Andrew …..Fanfares…..dada    da dahhhhhhhhhhhhh  !

It was great to have my family attend and in particular my dear sister Margaret      ” best sis in the world”

I also thank Anna who took the photos all night , Anna was supposed to be a guest but said she would bring her camera ,( I think it is permantly attached to her hand )  Thank you Anna,  You do so much for the whole dance industry at all functions.

To the older pupils who keep asking when am I going to get my website up to date with details of their tours and trips etc …. I am still workimng on it   xx

I thank the below people who teach, assist and helped set up for Saturday night, the studio looked fabulous

Deb B, Andrew, Olwyn, Deb C, Brett, Keith, Siu, Velina, Alric, Ashlyn, Charlotte, Emily, Dina,Michael, Adrian, Gina,Jim, Chris, Adam, and John.

We will be celebrating all through the month of June, with parties for the Childrens class, Adult Class,  a Birthday  Party, and  a Family Cabaret and Medal Presentations on Saturday June 22nd.

Oh What Fun      ***      Thanks everyone for making Saturday Night so special .   Let’s do it again real soon     !

Take care until  we meet again

Daele   x